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Jeff Martin
direct investing
What is Direct Indexing, and Why Do Investors Use It?

Direct indexing, also known as separate accounts or tailored portfolio management, is an investment strategy providing advanced portfolio customization and tax efficiency. Direct indexing does not involve purchasing shares in mutual funds or exchange-traded funds (ETFs). Instead, it involves buying individual securities comprising a certain index such as the S&P 500, NASDAQ, or any other market index. Here are a few reasons an investor may use a direct indexing strategy.

Direct Investing

Legacy Planning: An Essential Tool for Passing Wealth and Continuing Values

Legacy planning involves leaving more than financial assets for future generations. It's about preserving and continuing one's values, life experiences, and personal philosophies.

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Last Will

Why Families Consider Long-Term Care for Loved Ones

Long-term care (LTC) is an essential component of healthcare that aids individuals who are physically or mentally incapable of independent living. While it may seem daunting, LTC offers numerous benefits that can significantly enhance the quality of life and overall well-being of those in need.

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6 Ways Heirs Can Prepare to Inherit

Over the next few decades, an estimated $30 trillion in assets will pass to heirs. This wealth transfer provides opportunities and challenges for those who will inherit this wealth.

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Investment advisory services are offered through Wealth Watch Advisors, an SEC-registered investment advisor. Neither Wealth Watch Advisors or J. Martin Wealth Management, LLC are endorsed by the Social Security Administration or any other governmental organization. Note, registration with the SEC does not denote a certain skill level or guarantee the success of an investment strategy. Wealth Watch Advisors and J. Martin Wealth Management, LLC are independent of one another.

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